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CIBTP automates and secures its multi-platform deployments using DROPS2024-06-26T11:09:59+02:00
Value Stream Management for IBM i2024-04-29T15:12:26+02:00
Seylan Bank save 90% of effort in application upgrades – managing IBM i and .NET code, with ARCAD for DevOps and Git2024-06-26T11:10:40+02:00
DevOps Transformation: Engage your IBM i teams2024-04-29T15:12:00+02:00
IBM i futures: Driving digital transformation in the new economy2024-04-29T16:15:28+02:00
ARCAD for DevOps2024-09-16T16:32:15+02:00
BWI companies switches from in-house change management to automated GIT & Jira on IBM i2024-06-26T11:11:11+02:00
IBM i Application Healthcheck Datasheet2024-04-30T09:06:02+02:00
Rhenag migrates to ARCAD for DevOps to achieve its modernization goals and prepare its development team and processes for the future2024-06-26T11:12:23+02:00
Brown Brothers engineers secure the modernization of their IBM i applications using ARCAD Transformer and ARCAD for DevOps2024-06-26T11:25:42+02:00
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